
Md380 jotspot dvmega setup
Md380 jotspot dvmega setup

md380 jotspot dvmega setup


If you do not have a Micro SD or SD Card slot on your PC you may need to buy a SD card reader. We will need preferably a 16gb Micro USB card. We will need a Nextion screen, any size will do, I went with the 3.2 inch. I have used the Chinese version, works fine. I will use links to the items where possible. Lets first get a list of parts that we will need to complete the project.

md380 jotspot dvmega setup

Please research on the Pi-Star forum and Facebook group. I am by no means an expert, I just wanted to share with you how I built my own hotspot. I then started looking more into them and thought I would give it a go myself, I mean it looks simple enough, right? Well in fact it is yes! Very simple indeed! The hotspot I built is fitted with an external antenna and a 3.2 inch Nextion screen and came in at around £65! Absolute bargain and today we are going to do it together! Don’t worry it’s not complicated, I mean if I can do it trust me you will be absolutely fine! I then finally took the plunge and bought a hotspot from DV Mega for the princely sum of £120! I had never even seen a hotspot before it arrived and was initially quite impressed by it! It featured a tiny LCD screen and an internal antenna, this didn’t perform too well to be honest and that was in part my motivation to build my very own. I wanted a hotspot for ages as I have had the use of Waynes Tytera MD380 DMR radio and more recently the amazing Ailunce HD1! But as I do not live near a DMR repeater it was useless to be quite frank. I have mostly used Yaesu Fusion but using it through repeaters or more recently using our very own gateways! you can find out more about our gateways by visiting Red Rose Repeater Group! Hotspots have been quite a recent addition to the Amateur hobby but it has grown more and more popular, starting with the likes of the DV4 Mini and now Pi-Star! I have also been low on income for most of the time I have been licensed so as you know HF gear is so expensive and has always been out of reach to me. As you may or may not know I am a HUGE fan of the digital modes! I have never been on HF, ever! Not even once.

Md380 jotspot dvmega setup